Sabiduría Psychology Students Release First Issue of Newsletter Saber Es Poder

Students from the School of Graduate Psychology's Sabiduría Latina/o Psychology Emphasis released issue one of the Sabiduría Newsletter, Saber Es Poder (Knowledge is Power).

Cover of newsletterA Newsletter by Sabiduría students for the Community

The inspiration for this newsletter stems from the social justice movements happening across the country. As Sabiduría students we make outreach a pillar of our training, and we recognize that we do not always do a great job of including other students and faculty members in our efforts. The purpose of this newsletter is to increase communication, continue the conversation for racial equality, showcase Sabiduría’s community work, and inspire others to get involved.

This newsletter will be sent out twice a semester, and will include information such as: relevant news, outreach opportunities, upcoming events, and student perspectives because saber es poder!

Download the full newsletter (pdf)


Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020