Rick Krizman MFA '16, Has Short Story Published by Belletrist

Rick Krizman MFA '16 had his short story, "The Second Coming" published by Belletrist. It centers on the ruminations of an altar boy.

An excerpt:

"As Jimmy again lifted the bells he looked past the raised chalice to the dark wall behind the altar, at the spooky outline of the body hanging by nails from the life-size wooden cross. From where he was kneeling he couldn’t see the painted blood flowing from the hands or the side, but knew it was there. He wanted to think that the second time around things wouldn’t end so badly."

Krizman's work has appeared in The Wising Up Press, Sediment, Flash Fiction Magazine, Star 82 Review, Medusa’s Laugh Press, Driftwood, Switchback, 45th Parallel, The Big Smoke, and elsewhere. He also hosts and produces the weekly ACME Writing Academy podcast. He lives in Santa Monica, Cal.

Monday, Aug. 12, 2019