Dr. Dana Bates collaborated with Brent Norris MPAS, PA-C , in the planning and implementation of the SIM-Man into the testing for the General Medical Course.
News, Media and Stories
In the Spring of 2018, the students of Athletic Training Program attended the 20
Athletic Training Student Kelly Strasser was awarded the “Best Oral Presentation” at the 2018 Northwest Athletic Trainers’ Association (NWATA) District 10 Clinical Symposium in Portland, Oregon.
Second-year Athletic Training student, Erin Guidarelli, was given a $450 grant from the Oregon Athletic Trainers Society (OATS) to attend the iLead Leadership Conference in Dallas Texas in February of 2019.
In honor of Veterans Day, I would like to take a moment to recognize the many veterans among our students, employees and alumni at Pacific University.
Thomas “Tommy” Yates ’15 and Ariana Emde ’16 were married on Mar. 24, 2018, in Makena, Hawai’i.
Celeste Rizzo PharmD ’15 and her husband Mark welcomed their first son, Simeon Baldwin Rizzo, in May 2018.
Chrystian Johnson ’15 is serving in the Peace Corps in Malawi, Africa, as an environmental resource volunteer.
Anne Jeffery PT ’15 is on staff as a physical therapist at Therapeutic Associates in Salem, Ore., and a lab assistant in Musculoskeletal Examination & Intervention for the Spine and for the Extremities.
Breanne “Bre” Hall ’15 kayaked the entire length of the longest river in Ireland, the River Shannon, to raise funds for the Childhood Cancer Foundation.