They will retain their respective roles as director of the School of Physical Therapy and School of Physician Assistant Studies.
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They will retain their primary roles while co-directing Pacific's Program in Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (PIPER).
Hanks has served as interim director since June 2016, leading the school through a major initial accreditation site visit and spearheading expansion of the school's facilities.
The successful practitioner in the Seattle area has built a thriving optical and hearing center, and served his local community and optometric profession with distinction for more than 30 years.
“The No. 1 thing that is lost in aphasia is words,” said Annabelle Watts SLP ’17. “I really hope participants who come here realize there is this gigantic world of communication and that here are all these other ways to facilitate that and have fun and re-engage with life and with their partner.”
University honors more than 700 degree candidates and several retiring faculty members at its annual spring commencement activities.
McClellan graduated with a master's degree in teaching on May 20 and has her sights set on teaching English as a second language.
A juvenile justice course in Pacific's Criminal Justice, Law & Society program takes students out of the textbook and into the community to prepare for careers in the legal system.
When Sally was a little girl growing up in the big city of Seattle, World War II was going on! Jack spent his young life fishing the small stream that ran past the farm, cutting hay and milking cows.
Pacific University welcomes Narcedalia Rodriguez as its chief equity diversity inclusion officer (CEDIO), serving as executive director for the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, effective July 5.