Pharmacy Faculty and Undergraduate Student Awarded Research Fellowship

School of Pharmacy faculty member Brendan Stamper and undergraduate student Storm Lotomau '19 have received an American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Theraputics Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (ASPET SURF) individual award for the summer of 2018.

Their project will investigate how antioxidant molecules called polyphenols might exert protective effects against drug-induced liver injury and provide valuable insight towards understanding the progression of acute liver injury.

Lotomau says that this research directly builds on undergraduate work and will help to prepare for a career in pharmacy: "I am especially looking forward to learning the techniques associated with this project so that my future applications to pharmacy graduate programs will show I excel at learning new things and that I am competent in completing advanced lab procedures."

Lotomau is currently working toward a degree in environmental science and toxicology.

Friday, April 20, 2018