Colin Fitzgerald '97 stepped into the role of leading Washington County's Developmental Disabilities program.
News, Media and Stories
Emily Herrmann PA '20 joined Nova Health's team of healthcare professionals in January 2021.
In Memoriam: Inez (Bondurant) Griffels '66
Aimee (Taylor) Clapp '95, and her husband Bruce, adopted Lily, 4, and Kinsleigh, 2, in October 2019, adding to their family of four other children.
Shelby (Thurman) Yzaguirre '14 and husband Alex welcomed their first child, Evelyn, in May 2020.
2020 was a challenging year on many fronts for Pacific University’s students and employees. Please consider nominating a colleague and/or community member who went above and beyond for the Pacific community. Nominations are online and accepted through March 1.
Elizabeth (Atkisson) Upton PA '03 joined George Fox University's physician assistant program as an assistant professor in January 2021.
Jennifer Thomas '10 earned her PhD in sociology from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, in December 2020.
Christopher Lee '08 has been named a principal with The Jones Financial Companies, LLLP, as of January 2021.
Debbie (Holden) Tracey '75 found success as an abstract acrylic artist based out of Olympia, Wash.