Peace, Love & Understanding: 1000 Cranes for Peace

The Language Ambassadors of the CLIC invite all students, faculty and staff to visit our table at the UC and help us reach our goal of creating 1000 Cranes for Peace. An ancient Japanese legend promises a wish granted to those who fold a thousand paper cranes. In light of recent world events, we ask you to join us in creating this worldwide symbol of hope. We will also collect donations to support the work of Doctors Without Borders as they help Syrian refugees.

Look for our Peace, Love & Understanding Table at the UC on Monday, December 7, and Tuesday, December 8, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Cranes will also be created during our Reading Day Winter Holiday Celebration at the CLIC, December 9 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015