Pacific Professor Ahmar Zaman, Student Esther Fiore PsyD '26, Tell Washington Post Readers How to Apologize Appropriately

PZaman Ahmaracific Professor Ahmar Zaman, the university's interim director of clinical training in clinical psychology, along with Esther Fiore PsyD '26, and Carter Comrie, chair of the Michigan Psychological Association Pain Psychology task force, published an op-ed on the elements of an appropriate apology in the Washington Post Jan. 28. 

Occasioned by the protracted renaming of the Washington, D.C., National Football League team, which formerly was known by a slur against Native Americans, the op-ed notes, in part:

There are many ways to express an apology when we are at fault. Yet far too often, people and public entities get it so wrong. There are primarily three components of an apology: an acknowledgment of the transgression, accountability for the transgression and reparations for the transgression. The reparations for a transgression are often what is missed when a large public entity acknowledges the harm it caused.


Monday, Feb. 14, 2022