Our Students Need Your Help
As global events unfolded over the past few weeks, Pacific worked quickly to ensure our students’ health and wellbeing. We have moved classes online and we are keeping the residence halls and the dining commons open for any student who needs a home and food. We have committed to paying our student workforce, even if they cannot work, as we would any other employee.
Yet, there is only so much we can do on our own. Many of our students have emergency needs as they scramble to transform their academic experience.
You can help.
In response, we have established the Pacific University Student Emergency Fund to assist graduate and undergraduate students during these unforeseen financial emergencies. Your gift to this fund will provide emergency assistance for students with critical financial shortages for transportation, rent, food, technology and more.
We know we can rely on the compassion of our Pacific community to help one another as we have in the past. Please join me in making a gift to the Pacific University Student Emergency Fund. Your gift, of any size, will help our students navigate this difficult time.