Our Hearts Are With MSU

Our hearts go out to the Michigan State University community in the wake of last night’s tragic shootings that killed three students and left five injured.

We recognize that gun violence is a public health epidemic in this country. We continue to be horrified by the needless loss of life, and we call on our communities to work to engage in discourse and action that will bring an end to this ongoing trauma.

When this kind of violence strikes other universities, we know that our own community is likely to experience not only outrage, but also fear. Please know we take your safety very seriously at Pacific. If you ever feel unsafe, please immediately call 911 or Campus Public Safety at 503-352-2230 (Forest Grove) or 503-352-7207 (Hillsboro).

For some, preparation can provide empowerment and help alleviate fear. Our Active Threat Incidents webpage provides resources, training and tools to help people prepare for a possible threat to safety.

You may find that you need support in working through the range of emotional experiences and associated impact as you strive to make sense of this tragedy and the ongoing epidemic of gun violence in our culture. Please do not hesitate to reach out for the support you need:

Jenny Coyle

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023