Learn More about Study Abroad Opportunities

Because of renovations in Pacific Hall, the Office of International Programs is on Tran 2F. Visit us in rooms 233 and 234!

Now is the time to start thinking about study abroad! Study abroad is an opportunity to earn Pacific University academic credit for courses taken at a foreign university or taught by a Pacific University faculty member in another country.

There's a study abroad program for everyone, no matter their degree or extracurricular activities!

Pacific University offers study abroad programs which allow students to study abroad for a semester or an entire academic year. Students can also participate in short-term study abroad programs offered typically during the winter term or in early summer.

Where will you go next year? You decide. See all our study abroad program locations

Are you looking for a general idea about studying abroad first?

We are here for you! Please come by the Office of International Programs at Tran Library 234, or contact Atsuko Rothberg.

If you want to chat with a study abroad returnee, come to our office:

  • Mondays: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Thursdays: 9:00am - 1:00pm

Not sure study abroad is for you? Read tips for uncertain students

Start in Three Easy Steps

1. Set up a 30 minute Advising Appointment with Shpresa: Schedule Appointment [Zoom]

2. Submit a Study Abroad Application (Internal Nomination Process)

  • Dec. 1: Petition deadline
  • Feb. 10: All other program deadlines

3. Submit Application to partner university/ study abroad provider

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023