Keep Track of Deadlines for May Commencement

May 2023 Commencement is a little over two months from now! That means it’s time for undergraduate and graduate and professional students to order regalia from Oak Hall asap!

Academic regalia is available for purchase online through the University Bookstore. Enter your program to find the right regalia for your program and degree — and order online now through Saturday, April 15, 2023, to have it shipped to the location of your choice. That's just two months away! For assistance with your order, please contact the University Bookstore at or at 503-352-2224.

Do you have questions about the different parts of your regalia and how they are worn? Be sure to check out the Guide to Pacific Commencement Regalia video.

Check out other items on your graduation checklist, like ordering flowers from Floral Sunshine, and start crossing items off your to-do list!

Walking in the May ceremony? Make sure to apply for graduation on BoxerOnline

View the Commencement page for updates on your big day May 20, 2023!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023