Getting to Know More About School of Pharmacy's Two New Faculty

In July 2023, Pacific University School of Pharmacy had two new faculty join our program, Alina Yanovich and Nathan Doctor. We asked them both a series of questions to learn more about their educational backgrounds, research interests, what attracted them to Pacific University and some interesting, personal facts!

Alina Yanovich


Dr. Alina Yanovich, PharmD – Assistant Professor

Yanovich received her PharmD from Washington State University, Spokane, WA in 2018, as well as completed her PGY-1 and PGY-2 Residencies there from 2018 – 2020.  She is interested in projects and initiatives contributing to the areas of pharmacy education, mentoring, professional growth and development in pharmacy, pharmacy practice and research, as well as pharmacy care in rural populations. Dr. Yanovich also has a strong interest in pharmacy care of ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugee populations.



Q1.  What attracted you to Pacific University?

It was definitely the people and how people treat each other. I felt I could grow and help others grow here and I still feel that way!

Q2.  What do you teach?

I primarily teach pharmacy practice skills.

Q3.  What's the name of your favorite movie?

"What Men Talk About"

Q4.  What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

Board games, puzzles, cross stitching

Q5.  Tell us the Name and Author of the last book you read.

"I want and I will. Six rules of a happy life or the Labkovsky method in action" by Mikhail Labkovsky

Q6.  What is your favorite color?


Q7.  What's your favorite animal?


Nathan Doctor

Dr. Nathan Doctor, PharmD – Assistant Professor

Doctor received his PharmD from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN in 2021. He completed his as PGY-1 Residency at Community Health Network in Indianapolis, IN in 2022 and had an Academic Fellowship at Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Louisville, KY in 2023.  Dr. Doctor's practice interests are in ambulatory care pharmacy, where he helps patients manage their chronic disease states, such as diabetes and hypertension. He assists patients in making positive behavior changes to improve their health and wellbeing. His research focus is in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), which is the study and implementation of innovative teaching methods to improve student learning. He is particularly interested in studying the factors that affect a pharmacy student's growth of their professional identity as a pharmacist, and trying new methods to assist in that professional development.


Q1.  What attracted you to Pacific University?

I was drawn to the culture of the School, primarily in its focus on teaching and its dedication to providing a strong pharmacy education to all learners (see 5-year Program).  I've also had a fascination with the Pacific Northwest ever since I visited years ago, and I wanted to experience the natural beauty of the region, as well as the amazing cuisine in the Portland Metro area.

Q2.  What do you teach?

I primarily teach and coordinate our pharmacy skills and application courses.  Additionally, I teach a number of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in our integrated sciences and therapeutics course.

Q3.  What's the name of your favorite movie?

I couldn't think of one;  a fun fact about me is that I'm terribly bad at picking favorites.

Q4.  What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

Gaming; video games, board games, etc.

Q5.  Tell us the Name and Author of the last book you read.

"How to Teach Philosophy to Your Dog" by Anthony McGowan

Q6.  What is your favorite color?


Q7.  What's your favorite animal?

Red Pandas


Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023