Encourage Undergraduate Students to Complete Upcoming Surveys on Diversity, Engagement
Student Surveys: Diversity & Student Engagement
On Feb. 11, undergrduate students on the Forest Grove Campus will receive an email invitation asking them to participate in two important surveys on diversity and student engagement. We would appreciate faculty and staff members' help in encouraging students to look for these emails and complete the surveys. Announcing the surveys in class, at student gatherings and posting promotional materials in your area would be most helpful.
Diverse Learning Environments Survey
The Diverse Learning Environments Survey (DLE) will be sent to sophomores and juniors. Students will have the opportunity to share their perceptions on the diversity of our campus climate and practices. They will be asked to share their experiences with faculty, staff, and peers in relation to diversity and learning outcomes. The survey represents a valuable source of information tracking the progress of our diversity efforts, and a high response rate is important for making the best use of the data. Pacific last administered the survey five years ago and it yielded a 17 percent response rate. Please help us reach higher response rate this time. For more information, contact Rik Lemoncello (dle@pacificu.edu), chair of the Diversity Committee.
National Survey of Student Engagement
Freshman and seniors will be asked to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The NSSE is a valuable assessment tool for measuring undergraduate engagement in learning opportunities with effective educational practices and links to desired educational outcomes. Results dating back to 2006 have enabled Pacific to benchmark and track our continual efforts to improve the Pacific experience. The survey is administered every other year. Results are incorporated into ongoing assessment and improvement efforts, accreditation self-study, retention studies and other areas. A high response rate again is important for survey results to broadly represent the student experience at Pacific University.
For promotional materials on either of the surveys (or further information about NSSE), contact Juliette Stoering, senior research analyst (nsse@pacificu.edu).