Dr. Robert Nee invited to join International Advisory Board for Musculoskeletal Science & Practice

Dr. Robert Nee has been invited to join a prestigious group of researchers, educators, and clinicians on the International Advisory Board for Musculoskeletal Science & Practice (formerly Manual Therapy).

As described on their website, the journal “…publishes articles that influence or add to the body of evidence on diagnostic and therapeutic processes, patient centered care, guidelines for musculoskeletal therapeutics and theoretical models that support developments in assessment, diagnosis, clinical reasoning and interventions.”

Journal metrics include a CiteScore of 2.08, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) of 1.363, and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of 0.863.  Dr. Nee begins his 2-year term after serving as a manuscript reviewer for several years.


Monday, May 15, 2017