Faculty & Governance Handbook

Pacific University Faculty and Governance Handbook

CURRENT July 2024 Pacific University Faculty and Governance Handbook

Chapter 1: The University: History and Policy
Chapter 2: The Pacific University Governance System
Chapter 3: Administrative Organization
Chapter 4: Conditions of Faculty Employment
Chapter 5: The Student Conduct Process
Chapter 6: Procedures Governing Academic Program Reviews, Additions, Relocations, Expansions, and Elimination

Please note: In 2014, The Handbook was reformatted. Changes included combining the six chapters into a single document with consistent fonts, styles, numbering, capitalization rules, etc. (see style guide below for more information). A table of contents was also been added to each chapter. In addition to content and formatting changes, some of the numbering was changed. If you have other documents that refer to numbered sections in the Handbook, please make sure those references have been updated. Under RESOURCES below there is a "cheat sheet" that may be able to assist you.

The handbook is updated on July 1 (all chapters) and January 15 (all chapters except chapter four which corresponds with faculty contracts) each year. The most recent version of the handbook is always available on this webpage, so we encourage you to avoid downloading the document.

If you have questions about the reformatting or need a copy of the Word version of any section of the handbook, please request a copy from:

Maegan Jossy |  Executive Assistant to the Provost


University Faculty and Governance Handbook Style Guide
Reference Number "Cheat Sheet"
Conflict of Interest (Rev 2015)
External Consulting Disclosure Form (Rev 2015)
Administrative Organizational Chart 
Shared University Governance Structure Chart
Pacific University Charter

College/Unit Governance Documents

College of Arts & Sciences 
College of Health Professions
College of Optometry
College of Education
College of Business
University Libraries

New Academic Program Approval and Implementation

For additional information please visit the proposals webpage.

Highlighted Policies

Consensual Relationship Policy
Human Resources Policies
Intellectual Property Policy
Political Campaign Activity Policy
Sustainability Policy
Title IX

All Policies