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Boxer Food Share

Our mission is to provide students and employees access to free food in a dignified environment that is welcoming and inclusive.

All Pacific students and employees are welcome to stop by during our open hours (9-3 Monday to Friday). We have all types of food available - from easy-prep non-perishables to abundant fresh fruits and vegetables!

While you are visiting the Boxer Food Share, feel free to wander the Boxer Gardens to harvest any ripe items currently growing, or chat with a volunteer about extending your food budget and Oregon's SNAP benefits

Please contact any time with questions or follow us on Instagram to see regular updates about available food and upcoming events:

View this profile on Instagram (@boxerfoodshare)

Engage with the Boxer Food Share

Boxer Food Share has opportunities for student, staff, and faculty engagement. We have academic placements for practicums and internships, and are grateful for volunteers for work parties or operational support (e.g. shelf-stocking). If you are interested in partnering with us to collect donations (food or monetary), please see our guidelines on nutrition and donations here but be sure to reach out to us before planning an initiative.

To follow-up on any of these opportunities, please email

Support the Boxer Food Share

The Boxer Food Share also accepts financial donations, which are used to purchase equipment and restock our shelves when specific items run low. You can donate on Support Boxer Food Share. We appreciate your generosity in supporting this valuable Pacific University resource! 

Additional Food Assistance Resources 

Contact Us

Boxer Food Share
Boxer Gardens Garage
2407 Main Street
Forest Grove, OR 97116 | 503-352-1570

Instagram: @boxerfoodshare