Exposing High School Students Interested in Health Professions to Pharmacy at Glencoe High School

School of Pharmacy at Glencoe High School

In February, our Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Brandon Nuziale, along with pharmacy practice faculty members Dr. Nathan Doctor and Dr. Katie Steele (Dr. Steele starts with PUSOP on April 1!), joined sophomores and juniors at Glencoe High School in Hillsboro for a Health Sciences Career Exploration Event. They got to discuss all the numerous career opportunities a PharmD offers, as well as answer some questions about what a day in the life of a pharmacy student looks like.

Glencoe High School recently began to offer a pharmacy technician program to seniors so that they are eligible to start working in a pharmacy following graduation. The School of Pharmacy hopes to create a similar partnerships, like the one we currently have with Beaverton Academy of Science and Engineering (BASE), in terms of helping to prepare the next generation of technicians (and hopefully some future pharmacists!). If you would like to connect us to your local high school or community college (or connect with them on our behalf), please feel free to email adsa@contact.pacificu.edu and we would be thrilled to coordinate with you!

Friday, March 15, 2024