Advance Your Career at Virtual MBA Open House

Connect on Zoom at the first Master of Business Administration Open House of the year! Learn about Pacific's MBA program, ask questions and get help with your application. 

Join us from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m Thursday Feb. 16. Connect with MBA staff on Zoom to learn more about Pacific's MBA program. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the differences between an MBA in Healthcare Management vs. a Master of Healthcare Administration. You'll also learn about our MBA in General Management. 

An MBA can help with opening your own practice, changing careers and climbing the corporate ladder, or simply learning the skills to manage and lead a team.

We'll walk you through the application process, you'll be able to ask questions, and see what your class schedule will look like. 

As a Pacific University alumni or a current student, you'll get a fast-tracked application, and scholarships reserved for you. 

All students from the Pacific's College of Healthcare Professions have direct admission to our program. 

Friday, Jan. 20, 2023