Undergraduate students who are graduating spring 2024 are invited to attend Pacific University’s Sign, Shake and Ring ceremony on Friday, May 17 between 6 and 7 p.m.

Sign, Shake and Ring is a tradition unique to Pacific University, with origins dating back to the late 1880s or early 1900s when students signed a ledger to signify enrollment.

On the evening prior to their graduation, students return to Old College Hall. Inside the Book of Enrollment, they find their original signature from when they arrived on campus, and sign their name again to signify the completion of their academic career at Pacific.

Now featuring special guest Boxer III! (Read about the legend behind the Boxer statue and why CPS stands guard.)

Family and support systems are welcome to attend and witness you participate in this “bookend” ceremony! 

Contact Us

Jennifer Teeter | Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs
503-352-3072 | teeterj@pacificu.edu